What You Eat Is More Important Than Organic Vs. Non-Organic Foods

What You Eat Is More Important Than Organic Vs. Non-Organic Foods

At Scott’s Protein Balls, we care about quality food and healthy snacks. We will always work to bring you the most nutritious options. Therefore, many of the ingredients in our protein balls are organic. But organic isn’t the end of the story.

The truth is that organic isn’t the only criterion we look at when sourcing the highest quality ingredients. Today’s article is going to dive into organics and answer some burning questions:

  • What is organic food?
  • Is organic food better for you?
  • Is organic food worth the cost?

Let’s dive in!

Is Organic Food Better for You?

Many items that carry the organic label are highly processed foods, which are likely to be high in sugar and other refined ingredients and lower in nutrients. In this case, organic may not be better for you. A piece of fruit (organic or not) is a better choice than organic fruit snacks, for example.

When comparing organic vs. non-organic whole foods, the benefits may be more evident.

Are Organic Foods Safe?

Regarding food safety and exposure to pathogens, most organic foods tend to be grown on large-scale farms, just like non-organic foods, so they may have similar susceptibility to contamination.

Choosing food from smaller scale or local farms in your community might decrease risks further.

Are Organic Foods Healthier?

Although some studies show similar nutrient levels between organic and non-organic foods, a growing body of research suggests that organic whole foods are more nutrient-rich than their non-organic counterparts. Many factors including growing conditions, farming methods, and seed variety play a role in nutrient levels. 

So, it is taking science more time and nuance to prove what we might intuitively know: that it’s better for our bodies not to eat pesticides and chemicals.

Studies show that when one switches from a standard diet to eating organic foods, including organic fruits and vegetables, that the pesticide levels in their blood go down. 

Organic Food is Not Chemical-Free

Organic standards have been watered down since the inception of the USDA organic program and label. There are more loopholes and allowances for questionable farming practices than there once were, and the certification allows for the use of pesticides under certain conditions. 

Again, this is where understanding the source of food is helpful. There may be organic farms that use chemicals you wouldn’t at home, but other farms that aren’t certified organic (because of cost or other factors), that use more sustainable practices. 

Are Certified Organic Foods Free of Pesticides? 

Not all certified organic foods are free of pesticides. In many cases, the pesticide residues on organic foods are far less than their conventional counterparts. And in other cases, there are conventionally grown foods with low or undetectable levels of pesticides. The EWG’s Dirty dozen foods is a good resource to learn more albeit its not without its own flaws too. The basic rule is, don’t judge a food by its label.  Quality food is real, whole, unprocessed food. 

Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?

So that brings us back to the question we always ask and you’re probably wondering about also! In many cases, yes, organic food is worth the cost, but in other cases, for all the reasons discussed here, the answer is more nuanced. 

Eating Healthy on a Budget

The key to healthy meals on a budget is to prioritize whole foods. Whole foods are more nutritious than packaged items, and you’ll often save more by making recipes yourself at home.

Other tips for how to eat healthy on a budget include:

  • Eat in season
  • Shop sales
  • Eat more plant foods
  • Include whole grains, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and legumes as plant-based protein sources
  • Prioritize organic for healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, and seeds
  • Choose healthy snacks made from whole foods, like Scott’s Protein Balls 

While the principles behind organic foods are important for health, organic food might not be as relevant as previously thought. It’s more important to choose quality and understand where your food comes from and how it was grown. Here at Scott’s, we source the highest quality ingredients, including many organic ones, as the foundation of our protein balls.   

  • Lori Levine is an eternal optimist and after undergoing breast cancer treatment, she learned she had to upgrade her snacks to upgrade her health. She and her husband Scott became accidental entrepreneurs after he lovingly created quality protein balls made from tasty, easily recognizable ingredients that are as convenient as they are healthy and delicious! Even better? 1% of all sales are donated to Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to help support breast cancer research. #betheend.